Sunday, July 11, 2010

Ane Keohokalole Highway Already Graded Almost to Henry Street

Just to remind everybody: This project was approved last November; groundbreaking was in March (4 months ago). At this point, a year or so in, most government highway projects are just getting to the second revision of the EIS. Actual construction work would be years away. This project is roughly graded, four lanes wide, from the high school to within (my guess) half a mile of Henry Street. Good to see "stimulus" money used to actually improve the infrastructure, and construction moving (for a government project) at lightning speed. Kudos all around.
Looking back (north) at Kealakehe H.S.

Hawaiian Dryland Forest Update. The undeveloped land along the new highway is dominated by haole koa and fountain grass, with clumps of christmas berry (at the right). The conifer-shaped bush at left center is another remnant of the Hawaiian dryland forest: the native alahe'e, the indigenous member of the coffee family. After rains it produces masses of fragrant flowers.
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Aaron Stene said...


Great photos. I'm going on a tour of the project in two weeks. I'll be able to take even more photos of the ongoing construction.

Aaron Stene said...


Please check out my blog for new photographs of this roadway project.

CRISIS said...

Really perfect blog!!